How you can protect yourself from Corona Virus Disease (COVID19)

For more than a month, people of different countries had heard of the 'Corona Virus' in China, having seen the stories on the news about how the Chinese Government was handling the epidemic. But many countries are not taking it seriously. And Now many countries suffer from the same situation: lockdown in so many counties just because to save their people from COVID19.
First, I will tell you little about Coronavirus
According to the biological classification systems, Coronaviruses refer to a large family of viruses. This family is responsible for many known illnesses in humans including the common cold. This coronavirus is a new strain, earlier not identified in human beings, the novel-coronavirus that is causing the current destruction.
The most common symptoms of this viral infection are cough, tiredness, fever, and symptoms related to the respiratory system like shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing. In its most severe form, it can also lead to SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), pneumonia, kidney failure, and even death.
Below are some tips from which you can protect yourself from coronavirus
Tip To Protect Yourself From COVID19
Impact of Social Distancing
Physical distancing or Social distancing is a set to control infection to stop or slow down the spread of a Coronavirus disease. 
Moreover, coronavirus is spread mostly through respiratory droplets especially when a person sneeze or cough, maintain social distance at least 1 or 5-meter distance between yourself and anyone will help to decrease the spread of Coronavirus.
Impact of Sanitizers
Hand sanitizers, chemically, are generally alcohol (particularly isopropyl alcohol), along with some emollient and some oils (for the purpose of aroma). Hand Sanitizers have been proven to have properties capable of killing the microbes present on surfaces and this microbe-killing property is given to Sanitizers by the alcohol present in them. 
While the great significance, especially during the current problem of coronavirus causing destruction around the world, sanitizers should be used keeping in mind that regular and proper washing of hands with soap for a minimum of 30 seconds must be given priority. This is the greatest method to kill the germs present on our hands. In addition, hand sanitizers should be used as an alternative to soap and water.
Impact of masks
As we all heard that the virus has been spread by the means of respiratory droplets. The droplets are coming out from the mouth of an infected person that is inhaled by another person by transmission through air or by direct contact. Therefore, it becomes very important for people to wear masks to safeguard themselves against this deadly coronavirus.
But at the same time, it should also be noted that people need to wear a mask only around someone they suspect of being infected and they should not necessarily wear it wherever they go. Healthy people have no need to wear a mask always and their purchase of masks is causing a shortage of masks for health care professionals who need it more as they are always in contact with infected people.
Hence, always do not wear a mask, but do definitely wear it in case you are coming in contact with someone infected or suspected to be infected.
Impact of diet
The basic part of human life is Diet and therefore it is not a hyped statement that everything concerning the human body revolves around the diet one takes. Moreover, in the battle against the coronavirus, always keep in mind to not take raw food including raw eggs, raw meat, or even raw vegetables and cook your food thoroughly and avoid white sugar.
In Addition, one can take food that boosts our immunity like intake of food rich in Vitamin-C (orange, amla, etc), ginger, garlic, coconut oil, oregano, tulsi, nuts, and seeds like almond, cashew, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.
The basic safety tips issued for the public include regular and proper hand washing, cooking meat thoroughly, while sneezing, covering your mouth and nose. Avoiding any form of contact with someone showing symptoms of the coronavirus.


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